Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Changes to Storyboard

and why...

The changes to my storyboard from my first draft to my final draft can be seen here;

1. I changed the setup of the actual word (Pounce) into two forms, instead of one, where the word splits down the middle to reveal two new parts. I did this so that I could change the movement. (See below)

2. Instead of having the word lift up on one side and slam down on the other (which would have been quite robotic) I now have the two sections of my word (POU and NCE) alternating at moving upwards and forwards. This is to mimic the movement of an animal more so to look as if each section is a paw, and they are walking forward.

3. Instead of having two different fonts morphing into each other I'm just going to stick with the one font (Shock) throughout as I learnt that you can't morph text into each other, even though I would have liked to have the slender font at the beginning (Honcho/Baskerville) leading onto a majorly fuzzy font at the end. This way however, I suppose the audience will now be able to recognize the text as being an animal because of the consistent font. 

4. Additionally, in the final screen (where it fills the screen) the text would be small with a capital. I then wanted to go into full caps but because I can't morph text in Flash I might have to leave the text in the final storyboard as small letters (even though I drew them as caps in the end)

5. I planned to have a tip toe sound for when the sections were walking forward (which I'll keep) but I also decided to add a wooden floor creak for when the text is lifting up really slowly to also make it appear as if the text is walking on a real floor (giving the illusion of a domestic animal; cat) and also to make it more comical as you see it a lot where people are trying to be quiet but the floor gives them away by creaking.

6. Finally, instead of the text remaining where it was and having the screen fade out, I'm going to have the text slide down the screen to look and sound as if it's sliding down a window. I wanted to do this because it gives a cool comical ending rather than a boring fade out and is something you see in cartoons often.

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