Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Having a go...

Using this tutorial ( from the Photoshop Lady, I will have a go at creating a simple lineart and colouring it in to see what I can actually do. Because I don't have a drawing tablet, this is going to be much harder but with the Pen Tool >Shape Layer from ( I might be able to get the lines smoother...

Alright, so after about 4 hours cursing and banging my head on the keyboard I managed to create something that isn't as hideous as I thought it would be. BEARING IN MIND this is my first official go at creating a lineart on photoshop. I have used GIMP before which is like a free version of photoshop but I wasn't even a master of that and so I went into this with no hope whatsoever.

Alright, I started with a couple of sketches in my zeta pad. These were horrific so I copied one from the internet very crudely. The link will be at the bottom. I then scanned this into my computer and uploaded it to photoshop, of which I downloaded the trial because it costs god-knows-how-much to purchase. First I didn't draw over the outline because somehow I thought that I'd be able to use the 'shape pen' tool to go over the lines...this went disastrously. So I went over the pencil lines with a thin black sharpie and then scanned for the second time. Thank god there wasn't too many grey smudges on the paper so it scanned pretty cleanly. I continued to seperate the outline, body, eyes, teeth, and background so I could colour them in seperately. I then created a new layer for the background which I didn't need to fill because it was already white. Somehow no matter what I tried the background would never lock itself so I always ended up colouring over the body and into the background. I still haven't figured out how to solve this and yes I have tried all the options in the layer palette. So after adding the base colours to my drawing I proceeded to use the a soft edged brush to create the shadows (by also darkening the colour) and then used 2 lighter colours to create the highlights. I did this for the body, eyes and teeth. I then used the smudge tool to blend my colours, I figured out it doesn't blend but moves the colour you choose to wherever you drag it. So I tried the blur tool but it didn't appear to make any difference. It didn't matter, it looked fine. I did like how the smudge tool worked on the eyes though. Anyway, I then filled in the black outline with a shade of green slightly darker than the darkest already on there and did the same with the outline of the eyes and teeth. I then added a gaussian blur (maybe at 3?) to make the lines smoother. This made the image less cartoony and a bit more realistic. If that's possible with this creature...

So I then used a gradient for the background and created a shadow so it didn't look like it was floating in mid air. For this I copied the body, distorted it and used the gradient over it so it wasn't unnaturally black. And I'm actually quite proud of this shadow. Finally I added text, changed the font, size, colour, transformed it slightly and added a drop shadow because I'm fancy like that. Let me just add that I used google strenuous amounts of times, didn't use the second tutorial and only used the first one slightly. It's still a good tutorial though. I still think life would be much easier with a graphics tablet. Ah well.

                           Before                                                                          After! Yay!

I do not own the cat image, it was taken from:

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