Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Introducing Xanthe

Well, after 5 hours of cursing, rubbing out, banging my head on the wall and laughing manically, Xanthe is ALIVE! But yes, I'm actually quite proud of her considering my drawing skills and I thought up a lot of the outfit myself! (which means no copying hence room for disformities..but there wasn't :O) My initial ideas did change and she looks a lot different to how I pictured she would but I wouldn't change her now. No, reading the Dragon Sword Histories hasn't influenced me at all.... :D Not even the introduction of the Tenoch warriors...with the bird feathers! :O But at least I can safely say she wasn't plagiarized and it speeds up my progress dramatically. My plan was to have a character sketched out so that when I came to actually making the movie I would just be able to trace her and then avoid heaps of rubbing out and messing it up during the movie. So here she is...

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